Summer Quest 2025
to Jun 27

Summer Quest 2025

  • First Presbyterian Church of Warminster (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SUMMER QUEST will take place from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Wednesday, June 25 through Friday, June 27. This will feel like a mission trip, except that we will only gather during the day. It’s for those finished 4th grade and older. In addition to some mission activities, there will be fun activities, kickball and gaga games, Bible lessons, etc.

This is our 5th annual Summer Quest At-Home Mission Trip! If your child wants to join us, please email! And feel free to bring a friend!

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Christmas Eve Services at 6pm & 8pm
6:00 PM18:00

Christmas Eve Services at 6pm & 8pm

First Presbyterian Church of Warminster celebrates Christmas Eve with two Candle light Services:

6:00 pm - Christmas Eve Candle light Service with the Children's Choir. This service will be led by our children and youth and features a Message with the children.

8:00 pm - Christmas Eve Candle light Service with the Senior Choir and Gospbells.

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Bethlehem Village - Live Nativity (Show@1:30)
1:00 PM13:00

Bethlehem Village - Live Nativity (Show@1:30)

Join us for a trip to Bethlehem and a live Nativity presentation! With live sheep, a real baby jesus, and lots of games, food, and hot chocolate - you won't want to miss this free event! In addition, this year we are asking the community to join us in a diaper drive, benefiting the women and children at Cradle of Hope in Glenside. Come out to see the live nativity story, and bring a pack of diapers (unopened containers, and especially sizes 3, 4 and 5).

Doors open at 1pm

Nativity show: 1:30pm

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Ash Wednesday Worship and Supper
to Feb 28

Ash Wednesday Worship and Supper

Join us for our Ash Wednesday covered dish dinner and worship service. Lent begins our devotional program that will begin with a potluck dinner starting at 6:00 pm with the service beginning at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Please join us for supper, fellowship and a Lenten devotional.

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Christmas Eve Services at 6pm & 8pm
6:00 PM18:00

Christmas Eve Services at 6pm & 8pm

First Presbyterian Church of Warminster celebrates Christmas Eve with two Candle light Services:

6:00 pm - Christmas Eve Candle light Service with the Children's Choir. This service will be led by our children and youth and features a Message with the children.

8:00 pm - Christmas Eve Candle light Service with the Senior Choir and Gospbells.

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Bethlehem Village - Live Nativity
1:00 PM13:00

Bethlehem Village - Live Nativity

Join us for a trip to Bethlehem and a live Nativity presentation! With live sheep, a real baby jesus, and lots of games, food, and hot chocolate - you won't want to miss this free event! In addition, this year we are asking the community to join us in a diaper drive, benefiting the women and children at Cradle of Hope in Glenside. Come out to see the live nativity story, and bring a pack of diapers (unopened containers, and especially sizes 3, 4 and 5).

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Babysitting Course
11:00 AM11:00

Babysitting Course

  • First Presbyterian Church of Warminster (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sign up for the Red Cross Babysitter’s training! Participants will receive a certificate of completion for Babysitter’s Training and a two-year certification for Pediatric CPR/First Aid. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care to infants and children and learn about basic child care and first aid. Two 6.25 hour classes will be held at First Presbyterian Church of Warminster on Saturdays, November 4 and November 11 from 11 am to 5:15 pm. Donations to First Presbyterian Church of Warminster's Youth Scholarship Fund will be accepted from the community. These 10 young people will receive this training at NO COST to them! To be a participant, please email Carol at

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