What can I expect?
At First Presbyterian Church of Warminster, we are a warm and welcoming community! Whoever you are, whatever your background, however you dress, whatever you do, no matter your age, whomever you love, you will be welcomed here. We are a supportive family that helps each other, prays for each other, and reaches out to others in our neighborhood.
Our Sunday service begins at 9:30 a.m., but come a little early to meet people, hear about our current events, and find a comfy spot! Kids should join you in the worship service until our Sunday School classes are dismissed after the Children’s Sermon. For your convenience, we have nursery services available from 9:00 a.m. until the service is over.
Following the service, there is a fellowship and coffee time designed to help people make connections. At this time new friendships are discovered and old friends catch up with one another. This begins at 10:30 a.m. in the Social Hall.
In our worship together you will experience traditional hymns played on the organ, as well as a variety of songs provided by the choirs, handbell groups, and various other musicians. There will be a reading and a message from the Bible that will be applicable to your daily life, and time for reflection and prayer.
When the offering is received, realize that this time of giving is for those who have made First Warminster their home. If you are our guest, please do not feel obligated to give.
After you visit, if you fill out one of the welcome cards at your seat, you will receive a call, email or letter from the pastor welcoming you to First Warminster and providing further information about our life together. If you choose to make this your church home there is an introductory class offered at various times throughout the year.
We hope you will join us!